Welcome to our live-streaming, safe & refreshing yoga classes: Mon, Wed, Fri mornings from 8-9 AM EST, open to anyone in your household, anywhere. Kids, millennials, boomers; we’re all in this together.
Let’s mindfully tone your gorgeous muscles & stretch out the tight spots, using only functional ranges of movement, and with detailed instructions. It’s important to me that you have the option of tuning in “live,” so that I can keep an eye on you for safety, and so that I can verify that my cueing is clear enough that you’re able to follow along. In other words, I’m watching you in order to self-correct my teaching. This also provides you with accountability & the sweetest funniest warmest community.
You don’t have to buy props. Scroll down to see substitutions you can find lying around your home. However, if you do want to invest in props, such as buying your own sturdy 4-inch yoga blocks, like the ones that I use, I know that the wonderful shophalfmoon.ca has them in all sizes (and the Dollar Store & Wal-Mart has them in some sizes for much less). Even though you’ll be tempted to get the 3-inch blocks, it’s honestly worth it to invest in the steadier, sturdy 4-inch blocks. We can use them in so many more ways.
As we move and stretch, let’s expand your lung capacity, bolster your immune function, and reassure your nervous system. We all need some soothing meditation techniques right now. So let’s feel good together, my darlings.
Are you brand new to yoga, or brand new to me, or just hesitant about using Zoom technology? I’d love to offer you a chance to try it out for a few classes—as my guest—and see how it feels for you. After the trial classes, you can decide whether or not you want to register.
September is both wistful & exciting. We soak up the last warm afternoons. We see bright school buses vrooming by in the cool mornings, with nervous kids packed inside. This is the season of abundance: cauliflower, broccoli, pears, blackberries. Freshly sharpened HB pencils. Fall fairs with their huge prize pigs and fluffly cotton candy. September has the air of beginning again, starting anew, fresh schedules. Whatever projects fell to the wayside this summer, that is what you will pick up again, shine it on your shirt, and bite into it with relish.
Let’s move our limbs in all directions, soften our jaw, tone our core, and move our digestion along.
There is no class on Mon Sept 5 (Stat holiday)
August is such a full, generous, bountiful month, don’t you think? It’s the languid month of humid days and cooler nights. I love drizzling olive oil and balsamic reduction over juicy tomatoes. I love squeezing lemon juice over asparagus. It’s the time of pausing to look at the horizon and notice this precious season—-cicadas and bullfrogs and hungry wasps, searching for sweetness. Let’s move our limbs in all directions, expand our lung capacity, tone our core, and move our digestion along. We’ll soak up August together, friends!
Mon Aug 1st: No class (stat holiday)
Wed Aug 3: Heather subs
Fri Aug 5: Heather Subs
Mon Aug 8: Zoe
Wed Aug 10: Zoe
Fri Aug 12: Zoe
Mon Aug 15: Zoe
Wed Aug 17: Zoe
Fri Aug 19: Zoe
Mon Aug 22: Erin Subs
Wed Aug 24: Erin subs
Fri Aug 26: Erin subs
Mon Aug 29: Zoe
Wed Aug 31: Zoe
See you on the mat! xoxo Zoe
GIFT CARD (say it with yoga)
The sweetest gift that keeps on giving. This is a clutter-free, waste-free, gluten-free experiential gift. No trees are cut down to wrap this perfect prezzie. This is the gift of self-care.
Sometimes we just feel “off.” We tell ourselves that we’ll finally start yoga “tomorrow, the next day, next week.” But then we keep reaching for the same junk food, reverting to doubtful thoughts, and hunching over addictive screens. It’s sooooo challenging to dedicate time to yoga and remember to log on, no less. We’re all the same!
Yoga is a powerful way to kickstart health changes because it moderates your cravings, settles your nervous system, moves digestion along (most of your serotonin is produced in your gut), and promotes positive neuroplasticity (brain changes). Here are some 45-minute pop-up yoga classes to jumpstart your self-care and pull you back up onto the healthy wagon. Choose 1, or choose them all:
Tue Nov 16: Yoga for tempering cravings
Thurs Nov 18: Yoga for settling your nervous system
Tue Nov 23: Yoga for digesting
Thurs Nov 25: Yoga for promoting positive neuroplasticity
Tue Nov 30: Yoga for Lung Capacity
Thurs Dec 2: Yoga for Inflammation
Tue Dec 7: Yoga for Creativity
Thurs Dec 9: Yoga for Happy Hips
Tue Dec 14: Yoga for Stiff Shoulders
Thurs Dec 16: Yoga for Knotty Necks
Tue Dec 21: Yoga to Quiet the Mind
Thurs Dec 23: Yoga to Come home to yourself
Thurs Jan 6: Yoga for Hope
Thurs Jan 13: Yoga for Meditation 101
Tue Jan 18: Yoga to Process this New Era
Thurs Jan 27: Yoga for Release (of tension)
Thurs Feb 3: Yoga for Low Backs
Thurs Feb 10: Yoga for Sleep
Thurs Feb 17: Yoga for Neck & Shoulders
Stay tuned for…..
- Yoga for Feet
- Yoga for Anxiety & Depression
- Yoga for Healthcare Workers
- Yoga for Long Covid
Eastern: 12:05-12:50 pm Eastern
Mountain: 10:05-10:50 am Mountain
Pacific: 9:05-9:45 am Pacific
What do I need?
Using any device (TV, desktop, laptop, tablet/ipad, phone) and a good Wifi connection, you could also scrounge around for the following items:
A blanket for savasana at the end, and for padding under your knees.
Maybe an eyepillow or facecloth to go over your eyes during the final resting pose.
If you don’t own two 4-inch yoga blocks, and you don’t want to purchase them, then find a facsimile. Maybe 2 big cans of pumpkin puree? Maybe 2 big cannisters that hold cereal? Maybe 2 paint cans? Maybe a footstool? We need them to protect your back, and prevent disc problems in your spine.
If you don’t own a rubbery theraband, then can you find something else that is stretchy? Like nylons or leggings? Bungee cords?
Two weights of your choice (they could be actual free weights, or just canned vegetables).
Sometimes we use a tennis ball to massage tight spots.
If you own some essential oils, then please do it. A planetary pandemic is EXACTLY the right reason to start pampering yourself. Go indulge.
See you on your mat, my loves!