We were so lucky to have found such warm-hearted, funny, and passionate diversity educators to facilitate our discussions this past year. They helped us put the books into context and answered our most awkward questions. Below are several contribution options for you to help cover the cost of the facilitators’ professional fees. All proceeds go towards the diversity educators.
Contribution options:
$0 for Summer/Fall Session (until Dec 2021):
I identify as being Black, Indigenous, or a person of colour, despite the inaccuracies of those labels. Even though I am able to contribute financially to this book club, Zoe, I will accept your gesture of inclusivity, acknowledgement, and allyship. Additionally, thank you for hiring actual diversity educators to facilitate most of our meetings, so that we can actually get some forward momentum in our conversations!
$35 (total) for summer/fall Session (until Dec 2021):
My financial situation has changed a lot this year due to Covid-19. I’m relying on E.I./CERB, and I find this to be a very difficult time.
I won’t be able to attend most of the monthly sessions on Zoom and I won’t be able to do most of the reading. Therefore, this feels like the right contribution amount for me. I want to at least contribute something towards this special project and these amazing brave facilitators. We can do this!
$75 (total) for summer/fall Session (until Dec 2021):
So far, my financial situation remains almost the same during Covid. However, I’m not sure yet how many of the monthly evening bookclub sessions I’ll actually be able to attend. Therefore, this seems like the right contribution amount for me right now. I just sense there’s some special momentum right now, and I want to do what I can to educate myself even more so that I can participate in this important shift. I don’t want to do nothing. I want to do something.
$150 (total) for summer/fall Session (until Dec 2021):
Right now, my financial situation remains the same during Covid-19. This book club is exactly the kind of self-education that I’ve been looking for. I want to re-learn how I think and talk about race. I can feel that the world is changing right under my feet, and I want to be part of this groundswell. I’m not even sure how many of the Monday night sessions I’ll actually be able to attend on Zoom, but regardless, I just know that I need to do this. Count me in, 100%
$210 (total) for summer/fall Session (until Dec 2021):
Zoe. This book club has to happen. Whatever we’ve all been doing for the past few hundred years has obviously not been working. So clearly we need a new approach. Let’s learn more (way more) so that we can actually participate in this world-wide change, starting on little old Zoom. I don’t even know yet how many of the monthly sessions I can actually attend, but I’ll still be reading along on my own even on the weeks when I can’t attend.