Public Classes (in-person & zoom):

Mix’n’Match any time slots:

Hello darlings. More than ever, we need calm, community, and every ounce of joy. On a sliding scale, choose a rate that reflects your situation and how often you might attend yoga this month. Then mix’n’match any classes on the schedule. Or, if you’re new, try out some Complimentary Trial classes first.

Complimentary Trial Classes:

Are you brand new to my classes? Try it out for a few classes—as my guest—and see how it feels. My treat.

Yoga is a powerful way to kickstart healthier changes because everything about yoga (meditation, breathwork, physical movement) moderates your cravings, settles your nervous system, moves digestion along (most of your serotonin is produced in your gut), and promotes positive neuroplasticity (brain changes). Let’s pull each other up onto the healthy wagon!

March 2025


Morning Yoga:

When: M/W/F 8:00 - 9:00 am EST.
Zoom: HERE. Meeting ID: 879 477 005 Passcode: calm

Hybrid Nights:

We’re back! Hybrid Nights are back this March. Can’t wait to see you in-person or zoom. xoxo

Set a healthy tone for your whole day with these feel-good classes. Cultivate strength in your pelvic core and clarity in your mind. We chuckle a lot. We learn about the neuroscience behind the poses. And we increase our lung capacity. It’s the best way to renovate your new health routine.


Private Classes:


Sip your tea, stretch, and savour time with me. Bring your besties or practise alone. At your home or office boardroom. These classes are curated just for you—-your aches, pains, struggles, and life changes.

Let’s give your body some love, and replenish your energy. Breathe and feel connected. Have some laughs or tears.

I’m there with you.


Gift Cards - say it with yoga

The sweetest gift that keeps on giving. This is a clutter-free, waste-free, gluten-free experiential gift. No trees are cut down to wrap this perfect prezzie. This is the gift of self-care.

Choose to “Email to recipient” (so your loved one receives this gift card today, via email), OR, choose to “Email to you” (so the gift card is emailed to you right now, and then you email it to your loved one on the special day). When your lucky friend “opens” their gift, they will see their unique code. They can sign up for yoga with me (either private classes, or monthly group classes, or pop-up classes) and enter that unique code at checkout to subtract the gift card value from their order total. And then the magic begins…